We only invest money for our clients when using a written financial plan. We have found having a plan in place better serves our clients and helps them to better reach their goals for retirement.

We provide a number of ongoing retirement support services, including, but not limited to:

  • Helping coordinate investment portfolios for monthly income distributions in retirement.
  • Exploring lifetime guaranteed options and how to structure them when it makes sense for our client’s unique circumstance.
  • Designing proper asset allocation portfolios using low-cost investment strategies
  • Annual meetings, or more frequently as needed, to keep client’s income plan current and on track
  • Guidelines for when to increase or decrease retirement income distributions from portfolios
  • Coordinating Social Security benefits and claiming strategies in relation to other retirement income sources
  • Advice on ever-changing health insurance options in retirement

We do not specialize in offering hot stock tips or speculation of what the market might do in the short-run. We focus on teaching and helping to implement long-term financial planning objectives for our clients.

What do you charge for financial planning?

We charge ongoing clients a monthly fee based on the assets we manage. Review our fees here.

For funds we assist with that are non-advisory (which is typically insurance-related products like annuities) there is no fee assessed against the client as these compensate us by commission.

Hammond Wealth Advisory chose this fee structure to provide the most transparency for our clients while also providing our clients access to lifetime guaranteed income solutions for their retirement plan.

Where are my assets held?

We do not take custody of any funds we manage. We use reputable custodians for our assets under management. Currently we use Fidelity and TD Ameritrade. All monthly statements for our clients are sent directly to them from these custodians.

How can I learn More?

You are invited to schedule a no-cost, complimentary 20-minute introductory call with Chris Hammond (yes it is actually Chris you will be talking to, not someone else). You can ask him about the questions you may have about your retirement and decide if our retirement planning services would be right for you.

Nothing is offered for sale in this meeting.

During the call we will help answer your questions about your retirement (or future retirement if you’re still working). And we can discuss how Chris and his team might best be able to serve you.

At the end of the call, you will have one simple decision to make:

  • Does it make sense for Chris to create a free one page retirement plan for me?

After you have your retirement plan in hand, you only have one additional decision to make:

  • Should I implement this plan myself?
  • Should I hire a different advisor to implement this plan?
  • Should I hire Chris?

That’s it!

Looking forward to chatting with you,

– Chris Hammond

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