by Christopher | Apr 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
From Retirement Now Newsletter 4-7-2022 I was reading the other day and came across a little factoid that said Chris Rock tickets had gone up to a thousand bucks. This being much higher than they normally would be. But the reason they are higher is because he got...
by Christopher | Apr 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
From Retirement Now Newsletter 3-17-2022 “You have no idea of the *magnitude* of this thing! If she is allowed to infiltrate this world, then George Costanza as you know him, *ceases* to exist! You see, right now, I have Relationship George, but there is also...
by Christopher | Apr 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Retirement Now Newsletter 3-10-2022 We’ve had to institute a new rule in the ol’ Hammond house. And that is don’t mess with Momma’s timer. And that applies not just to “Momma” but to whoever is the one doing the cooking. A little explanation… You’re cooking something...
by Christopher | Apr 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
From Retirement Now Newsletter 3-3-2022 With the tax season upon us I found a good article about some tax moves you may be able to make to potentially cut your 2021 tax bill. Now not all of these may apply to your situation as many people in the Retirement...
by Christopher | Apr 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
From Retirement Now Newsletter 2-24-2022 Came across a good article discussing tax implications that retirees can potentially face if they don’t take asset location into account. What is asset location? Here’s some high points from the article that also...
by Christopher | Apr 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
From Retirement Now Newsletter 2-17-2022 If you’re watching the markets much, or your portfolio statements, you’ve noticed the markets are a bit dicey so far this year, and trending a little downward. It’s definitely given investors a reminder that markets go down as...
by Christopher | Apr 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
From Retirement Now Newsletter 2-10-2022 I was jogging a couple of days ago with one of my kids. When an old (well just from the 90’s) movie’s inspirational scene popped into my head. Over 20 years ago a somewhat artsy fartsy with a sci-fi twist movie came out called...
by Christopher | Apr 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
From Retirement Now Newsletter 2-3-2022 I’m not a 100% all-the-time advocate of delaying Social Security. But for a lot of people it can be a really good decision. For instance, if the higher earning spouse is older than the lower earning spouse it may be a good...
by Christopher | Apr 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
From Retirement Now Newsletter 1-27-2022 Stock market volatility and inflation are probably two of the biggest topics retirees are hearing about right now. I’ve had my fair share of discussions with people talking about how much a foot long sub at Subway has increased...
by Christopher | Jan 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
From Retirement Now Newsletter January 6th, 2022 New Year has just begun. And if you’re like me you may be using this time of year to prioritize and plan for the upcoming year. Things like dates to mark on your calendar and such. So what better time than to give you...