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4 resolutions for your retirement

From Retirement Now Newsletter December 30th, 2021 Tomorrow is the last day of 2021. Which means 2 things: You have today and tomorrow to do any charitable giving and potentially get a tax write-off for 2021 (assuming your itemized deductions exceed the standard...

Two ways to sabotage your retirement portfolio

From Retirement Now Newsletter December 23rd 2021 With markets doing as much fluctuating as they have been over the last few months I thought it’d be a good idea to discuss behavioral finance. Which is really the study of what affects the financial behavior of...

Another Medicare deadline approaching

Retirement Now Newsletter December 9th, 2021. Two days ago was the deadline for making any changes to Medicare prescription drug plans or Advantage Plans, under the annual election period. There are some exceptions to this deadline of course, like for people that...

The power of rebalance in your portfolio

Retirement Now Newsletter December 2nd, 2021 I came across a very good article on safe withdrawal rates, written by none other than Bill Bengen, the man who first brought us the study on the 4% safe withdrawal rate back in the 90’s. He has since revised upward...

10 Retirement Turkey Moves

From Retirement Now Newsletter November 25th, 2021 Try eliminating these turkeys from your retirement plan and you’ll have lots to be thankful for. Relying solely on the wisdom of risk tolerance questionnaires. If you’re not familiar with them, these are...

What you’ll pay for Medicare in 2022

From Retirement Now Newsletter November 18th, 2021 We are very quickly approaching the December 7th deadline to make a decision about your Medicare coverage for the upcoming year 2022. So that makes this a good time to go over what Medicare costs will be for next...

Pushback against the 4% withdrawal rule

From Retirement Now Newsletter November 11th, 2021 One of the most popular rules of thumb in the retirement planning world is the 4% safe withdrawal rule. I would say that it’s like one of the ten commandments written in stone. Only that it’s not… at least from most...

4 Retirement Mistakes you may be making

From Retirement Now Newsletter November 4th, 2021 I came across a short and sweet article that listed out some common mistakes people make in their retirement finances. I thought you’d find it helpful for your own retirement to try and avoid these. And I include some...

11 things to know about Medicare

From Retirement Now Newsletter October 28th, 2021 Last week I discussed some Medicare decisions you need to be taking (if you’re on Medicare) during the annual election period that is currently going on right now. Continuing on with the theme of Medicare… I came...